Clear nasolabial fold! 5 tips of 15-second oral massage

Clear nasolabial fold! 5 tips of 15-second oral massage

Nasolabial fold can change your look.

It makes you look older, so most women must think they want to remove it.

Healthy beautiful skin without nasolabial fold makes women shinier.

Here are tips of simple oral massage within 15 seconds.

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The characteristics of chin acne and 7 treatments

The characteristics of chin acne and 7 treatments Chin acne is noticeable and untreatable once you get it.

Also chin skin is thin, so it could be painful if you touch it.

Here are some causes of chin acne and tips for treatments. Read More →

Be younger in 2 weeks! 5 exercises for nasolabial fold

Be younger in 2 weeks! 4 exercises for nasolabial fold

You get nasolabial fold on your face without noticing it.

You may not notice it in your twenties,

but the thirties are around the corner, and you check yourself in a mirror,

then you will be shocked how clear the nasolabial fold is…!

Have you had experience with that?

When your face sags, you get nasolabial fold.

If you do exercises for face muscle, it may reduce nasolabial fold.

Here are some effective techniques!

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Diet drink! / 7 noteworthy effects of oolong tea


“Effective for diet” must be the first feature you might think of when hearing ‘oolong tea’.

Many Chinese have good figures even though they often eat greasy food,

and some say the secret is to drink oolong tea.

Is oolong tea really effective for diet?

After some thorough investigations,

we found that oolong tea has a lot of good effects.

It works for diet, of course!

And there are MUCH MORE features that will surprise you.

You will definitely be willing to drink more oolong tea by the time you finish reading this article.

What effects does oolong tea, which is available in convenience stores and supermarkets, actually have?

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6 steps of stretch to improve your nasolabial fold

6 steps of stretch to improve your nasolabial fold

When nasolabial folds are strong, women look older than actual age.

Therefore, taking care of nasolabial folds are important for women who want to stay beautiful.

Do you know that a TV show discovered

that circling your tongue stretches and affects your nasolabial fold?

Let’s improve your nasolabial fold with this method!

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