Be younger in 2 weeks! 5 exercises for nasolabial fold

Be younger in 2 weeks! 4 exercises for nasolabial fold

You get nasolabial fold on your face without noticing it.

You may not notice it in your twenties,

but the thirties are around the corner, and you check yourself in a mirror,

then you will be shocked how clear the nasolabial fold is…!

Have you had experience with that?

When your face sags, you get nasolabial fold.

If you do exercises for face muscle, it may reduce nasolabial fold.

Here are some effective techniques!

Be younger in 2 weeks!
4 exercises for nasolabial fold


1. First relax your face.
Ease the muscle connected to cheeks by stretching earlobes


Nasolabial fold happens when the muscle of cheeks gets loose.

Massaging around cheeks is more effective than massaging only the cheeks.

It is good to relax the muscle around ears.

It is very simple.

Pick your earlobes, gently pull them to the side or turn them around.

If you can do the exercise lying on your back, you will be more relaxed,

but if you are at office, you can do it sitting still.

Do you feel your face gets slowly warmer?

Ears have a lot of pressure points, but don’t touch or move them.

Even a small massage like turning them around makes you feel relaxed.


2. Relieve the stiffness in your neck and shoulders,
and warm up the cheek muscle


People who are worried about nasolabial fold also suffer from stiffed shoulders.

If you have really stiffed back or neck, your fave may become stiff, too.

After stretching your earlobes, do some exercise for neck and shoulders.

That should make the cheek muscle more relaxed.

The easiest way is to keep turning around your head and shoulders.

Turn your head slowly and in a wide circle,

and rotate your arms to move your shoulder blades.

It is very simple,

but that eases your stiff shoulders better if you do the exercise,

whenever you can during work or housework.


3. The exercise with puffing out your cheeks


Another easy exercise is to puff out your cheeks hard.

It is very simple.

First, breathe in air, them puff out your cheeks side to side.

Then, exhale slowly looking down.

If you repeat this three times a day, it will effectively firm up the cheek muscle, and you will have supple skin.


 4. 2 benefits in one time, refresh yourself

and exercise with “Chewing gum exercise”


Do you chew gum in your daily life?

There might be some people who often drink coffee instead of chewing gum to refresh themselves.

Some people chew gum insted of brushing their teeth.

Chewing gum actually can be a good way to remove nasolabial fold.
It is very simple. Chew gum with right and left teeth alternately.

This can be used as an exercise for the muscle around your mouth and cheeks.

If you tend to chew gum only on one side,

the balance of the muscle won’t be even, so try to remember to keep the balance.

Chewing gum can be both refreshing and exercising for nasolabial fold.

It is indeed “Killing two birds with one stone.”

If you don’t often chew gum,

why don’t you try it in your daily life instead of brushing your teeth after meals or having a coffee break?


In conclusion


Nasolabial fold makes you look older,

but if you exercise the muscle with effective ways,

you can remove the sags which cause nasolabial fold, and remove nasolabial fold as well.

If you suffer from nasolabial fold, give it a try.

Get a healthy, young-looking face, and be confident in yourself!

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