7 stretch and exersise to remove double chin in 2 weeks

7 stretch & exersise to remove double chin in 2 weeks!

double chin looks fat even if you are not fat…I don’t have double chin.

You might think that, but you will never know if you check only from front.

Are you sure that you don’t have double chin even when you see it from side and diagonal?

If your side face is not beautiful, people might think that is double face.

People see your face from side or disgonal. Let’s do exercise and make slim face line.

7 stretch and exersise
to remove double chin in 2 weeks


1, Exercise in your daily life

・to correct posture

When you have correct posture, the spinal suooprts head about 5-6kg.

But if you don’t sit properly and your neck is not right posotion, mascles works to get balance and gets strained.

After that, disturb works of chin if the posture goes to foward, chin might be swollen with body wastes and you will have double chin.

So, It is exercise that you do posture correct.

Next, How can we take off the body wastes? Let’s do this together.


2,Stretch to improve circulation of the blood and take off body wastes


・Your chin up as if you see the ceiling and arched back of your neck

You need to do these freaquently when you have time.

Next, Exercise mascles to make your chins sharp. There is a lof of mascles arouds chin that we don’ use often.


3, Exersise to train mascles around chin


Check which mascles do you use with these exersise.

<Digastric mascle> use this when you open.
we usually use this but it’s rely on Gravity, we can’t train too much.

<Peterygoid mascle> use this when your chin move to foward to back,
left to right. We don’t use this often.

<Mylohyoid mascle> mascle where under your tan of mouth.
Japanese pronounce doesn’t use this, we can’t train this in daily life.

It is said that, a lot of Japanese have double chin. There is a one of the reason.

Next, exercise using these mascles that I exprain.

・Straight up your back and look upward
・Open your mouth slowly
・keep it 5 seconds
・Close your mouth with 5 seconds
・Move your face to front with 5 seconds

This is exercise to train <Digastric mascle>

Next, exercise of Peterygoid mascle that movements of  open,

close your mouth’ instead of ‘move your chin forward to back’.

And exercise of ‘Mylohyoid mascle’ instead of ‘your tan out and in’

Afterthat, do more exercise of tan.

Be acctive fat burning because mascles trained, blood vesel and lymph node work well.

It’s easy to put fat is there are body wastes even you say ‘I’m not fat’. Let’s burn your fat to get slim chin.


4, Exercise to strengthen mascle of your tan


・Your shoulders down with your back straight up.

And your head looking at the front, then put out your tan and go around with 10 seconds.

Like your tan out from the root.

Do this exercise left anf right, as much as you want.

In the end, cool down mascles of your chin. It’s like two birds with one stone that we can ran out lymph node.


5, Run out lymph node of bottom of your chin


・Push clavicle with your finger

・Push out fatty chin to the lymph node where is at the back of ears with your hands
(It’s better to with a towel to avoid to get friction)

Try to do these exercise at least 2 weeks.
You might have mascluer pain becouse we don’t use often, but it’s very effective.

Let’s get side beauty with sexy.

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