5 top points to get clear skin with whitening lotion

5 top points to get clear skin with whitening lotion

Clear and white skin is one of the representations of women.

It is common sense that women do whitening care in all times of year.

Easy care is that you use whitening lotion daily.

I will show you why we use whitening care lotion.

5 top points to get clear skin
with whitening lotion


1. Dry skin makes spots. Make sure your skin is moisturized.


The cause of spots on the face, strongly relate to dryness.

The direct cause of spots is melanin.

If you have moisturized your skin by promoting skin turnover,

melanin will be pulled off.

However, skin turnover will be less frequent with age,

and it makes your skin dry and retain melanin.

You can avoid having spots by promoting turnover,

and if you moisture your skin you will fix your skin texture.

Dry skin cannot permeate whitening ingredients.

You should absorb the lotion thoroughly after washing your face.

It’s better to use cotton with lotion or put warm lotion on your hands,

then put it on your skin softly.


2. The use of lotion with moisturized ingredients.


Your skin will be dry with water on your face after washing

because water will evaporate.

When you use lotion composing moisture, it stays on your face.

You can keep moisturizing your skin by this method to keep moisturized.


3. The use the lotion composed by high whitening


Melanin is produced by material in your cells.

Firstly, tyrosine, an amino acid, is produced.

Secondly, melanin is produced by tyrosinase that is oxidized in melanocyte.

There are a lot of whitening ingredients that retain tyrosinase in whitening lotion.

Therefore, you can reduce spots with whitening lotion.


4. Permeate whitening ingredients by massage and improving the circulation.


Massage affects to melanin excretion,

improves the circulation and metabolism,

and makes turnover more frequent.

You can aim to have clear skin by improving dullness with good circulation.

You should massage by making a circle with your fingers on cheeks

and around your eyes which tend to have spots.

Please do not push and pull your skin strongly,

because you want to remove spots.

If you do this, it will have the opposite effect.


Method of whitening massage


1. Use massage cure cream after washing your face.

You can make the cream warm on your hand, and put it on your whole face softly.

2. After 1, slip up your fingers from the middle of chin to the side of mouth, nose, and eyebrow.

3. Put your fingers on the eyebrow, and slide it softly.


5. Polite care every day


We cannot feel whitening effects immediately even though we use an expensive lotion.

It is important to take care of your skin and get rid of the cause of spots and dullness every day.

You should use whitening lotion after sunburn.

Melanin is made all the time while you have exposure to UV rays.

If you forget to put whitening ingredients on it will cause bad cycle.

Daily care is the most important thing prevent spots.

Please take care your skin with whitening lotion readily every day.




There are a lot of whitening lotions depending on the kind of whitening ingredients.

Effects depend on the person.

I suggest that you have knowledge about whitening ingredients before you try them.

If it is not the relevant lotion, your skin will be damaged.

There are trial sets for about a week,

so you can try it and make sure you are comfortable and have no problem with it.

You can have clear skin with daily care.


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