Best face wash for acne! 6 tips to make white skin

Best face wash for acne! 6 tips to make white skin

Amanda Seyfried suddenly rose to fame

because she played the daughter role of Meryl Streep in “Mamma Mia!”.

Even though her job as an actress

that irregular working style and make up seem to be stressful on her skin,

her skin is said to be the third most whiteness in the world.

Her secret is facial wash by salt and that not only is the best face wash for acne but also can be easily done.

Let’s get white skin by learning the secret of salt face wash.

Salt face wash has effect especially on oily acne skin

and it prevents acne bacterium infestation by salt bactericidal actions.

Even so, since everyone has oil on his or her skin,

its effect is not only on acne skins. Its effects include increasing skin renewal

which excess sebum and dirt in the pores are excreted and promoting blood circulation.

Let’s get a beautiful skin by practicing how-to introduced below.

Best face wash for acne!
6 tips to make white skin to do salt facial wash


First of all, you have to drop makeup.

There are some ways to do salt facial wash.

There is no specific rule but making your own scrub

by mixing one scoop of table salt into your usual-used facial cleanser is a general way.

Some people wash by only salt but salt itself is not form bubbles.

You may get damage on your skin if it is done very carefully.

The table salt is more than enough for facial wash.

If you feel rough on your skin, changing the salt to fine-grained salt is better.

Applying only salt with massaging softly then wash away with tepid water before salt wash is better

when you worry about your skin condition.

Salt facial wash drops dirt and lipid but takes oil away at the same time,

so you need to fully moisturize after salt facial wash.




Although salt facial wash is good way because it drops unnecessary lipid on your skin,

your skin needs certain amount of oil for dry prevention.

Thinking about cycle of the skin based on that, salt facial wash is better to do once a week.

It leads desiccated dry skin due to releasing not only oil but also moisture,

then it also leads wrinkles when your washing frequency is too high.

If you mind your mixed skin with dry and acne,

contriving the way that fits your style is suggested

such as slow the frequency down to once in 10 days or forming on only acne .

Overall moisturizing after salt facial wash is essentially,

some parts you are concerned about should especially be moisturized

such as outer corner of the eyes and cheeks.


3.Power adjustment


Like usual face-wash damages your skin if frothing up is not enough,

since salt particles easily damage your skin,

salt face wash needs to be more carefully done.

You gently spread foam containing salt over your face

and move your hands like giving a massage on the surface.

If you feel salt by your skin, it is too strong.

Please touch your face gently and softly.

You should not use any washing net or a brush even if you usually use them on normal washing.

Please do salt face wash while feeling salt particles and skin conditions with your fingers.


4.Rinse with running water


If you rinse scrubbing with few water on softly-washed-face,

your previous care comes to nothing by getting damage on your skin.

When you rinse your washed face with salt,

you should do with full of running water and be careful to not to rub.

If you care about running water, basinful water may be fine.

Furthermore, if you don’t like cold water or in cold season,

you will rinse with little warm water slowly and carefully.


5.See your skin condition


Skin condition changes by hormone imbalance women frequently experience.

If you feel your skin is being sensitive, you better to pass on salt face wash.

Since salt face wash stimulates skins,

it will work negatively when your skin condition is sensitive.

Giving Stronger stimulation on sensitive skin by hormone imbalance may lead an inflammation.

Becoming inflamed on your face has opposite effect against white skin.

Moreover, if you feel unusual stimulation on your skin,

please rinse quickly with running water even if facial wash is unfinished.

If you feel to smart or sting, or see reddish skin,

you need to moisturize quickly to calm down your skin.

As same as your face gets a scratch.

Please restart again after you are healed of a wound.




To gain more effective result,

there is a method which applies a beauty pack on your face

by mixing an egg white or a yoghurt with salt.

Egg white wash is a way which effect is that dirt clearly drop but moisture remain.

Yoghurt is said to be effective for a macula reduction, moisturizing, whitening, and pore-shrinking in the cheeks and nose.

Please do not forget to do a patch test sometimes they disagrees with your skin.




How was it?

Salt facial wash is an easy and low-cost way to get a beautiful skin

if you seize the point of the method.

Especially, since salt is nature material and does not contain any additive such as preservatives,

it is very safe to use. If you concern about drying,

you will get effect of a beauty pack by spreading a cream on the entire face first,

then putting the cream on areas of concern and leaving it for a while,

then spreading it again on the entire face,

then finally cleaning it off by tissue papers.

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