5 ingredients and receipes for detoxifying

5 ingredients and receipes for detoxifying

Detoxifying is to excrete body waste form the body.

Usually, people excrete body waste through the urine and sweat,

you can maintain your body function through the detoxifying that if you do periodic.

Not only effect on a diet but also it is connect to improve constipation,

to be a good skin condition and allergy.

Introduce that ingredients and receipes for detoxifying.

5 ingredients and receipes
for detoxifying




Banana containts a lot of potassium that effect to remove salt from your body.

It also have diuretic effect, remove extra water.

It is high ingredients of detoxifying that improve intestinal environment

because it contains a lot of fiber and oligosaccharide.

You can just eat it

but I recommend you to drink as a juice mixed with soy milk or soybean flour.

This is an easy menu for breakfast to do easily

or you can have as a snack when you are bit hungry.




We often see this in the fasionable cafe,

have you ever known that avocado is high nutritive value ans detoxifying?

Avocado contains food fiber,

to reduce constipation and remove endotoxin.

And also, avocado contains gultathione which is improve liver function.

To improve liver function is nessesary to detoxifying

because live is important to remove endotoxin.

You can eat just avocado, but you can hace a healthy breakfast

if you add shrimp and cheese with mayonnaise and bread.




Grapefruit containts hige detoxifying

that not only food fiber of disoroders but also citric acid

for well circulation of the blood and potassium for diuretic effect.

And it is also effective for beauty skin

because it contains vitamin C that control meranin which cause for spot.

It is good food for diet

because low calorie and control your feelings with flavor.

You can do a lot of arrangement that eat it straight,

drink as a juice, make dressing with cutten onion and add on salad.




Saury is effective to improve circulation of the blood

because it contains EPA and DHA for to get low cholesterol.

To improve circulation of the blood,

you can prevent to builds up endotoxin because it might endotoxin in your blood.

It is also effevtive to prevent arteriosclerosis and stroke.

You can broil with salt,

but you can also add soi souce, suger, sewwt sake and sake to eat as kabayaki

which tastes bittersweets, it’s good to eat with rice.




Water is nessessary to detoxifying that we usually drink.

To take water, it is easy to sweat, urine and

you can change your nature to remove endotoxin.

And also, it is effective for digestible and absorb to move your stomach

and brisk up circulation of the blood and metabolism.

Aim to drink 1.5L in a day.

Don’t knock back a drink,

it’s better to drink room temperature water little by little.

It is high effective to have mineral water which is hard water,

containts lot of mineral. It is hard to drink 1.5L from begining,

so it is better to drink as you can and keep it.



I introduced you ingredients of detoxifying,

We can get detoxifying effects from food ingredients that we usually eat.

If you take these foods in a daily life, you can improve your body condition.

You can just eat it,

I recommend you to have an arrengement with it, so you will never be bored.

Try ingredients that is high detoxifying that makes you to have vitality to your body and mind.

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