Carbonated water as the best face wash for acne

Carbonated water as the best face wash for acne

In recent years it’s becoming popular

to drink sugar-free carbonated water and wash the face with it.

Now there is even an appliance to make carbonated water at home.

Why is it so good for the skin?

Because carbon dioxide in carbonated water improves metabolism,

widen blood vessels and facilitates the blood flow.

Besides, it’s mildly acidic so gentle to the skin,

and it doesn’t eliminate oil too much.

Now let’s see the reason why carbonated water is the best face wash for acne.

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Say goodbye to open pores! 6 ways to get smooth skin

Say goodbye to open pores! 6 ways to get smooth skin

Aren’t you annoyed by open pores on your nostrils and forehead in the mirror?

As people get older, both men and women are supposed to have those open pores.

It may become even worse,

which is called ‘orange skin’ (skin with zits like an orange).

This is caused by aging,

dryness and lack of moisture by washing face too much.

But can you think of how to take care of the pores?

Here, we will introduce you 6 ways to get smooth skin with no open pore.

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Clear nasolabial fold! 5 tips of 15-second oral massage

Clear nasolabial fold! 5 tips of 15-second oral massage

Nasolabial fold can change your look.

It makes you look older, so most women must think they want to remove it.

Healthy beautiful skin without nasolabial fold makes women shinier.

Here are tips of simple oral massage within 15 seconds.

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6 treatments for acne on back without leaving a mark

6 treatments for acne on back without leaving a mark

You can’t see your back, so you usually don’t give enough care to it.

Recently you see clothes with widely cut back or now it is the season you wear a swimwear.

You may show your back more than you expect

and maybe start being worried about acne on back.

There are various reasons such as laundry detergent,

shampoo, a hairdressing, eating habits, stress or dry air.

You must keep the fact in your mind and protect your back.

Here are some protections and treatments for acne you have had.

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Easy 6 step-makeup to hide nasolabial fold!

Easy 6 step-makeup to hide nasolabial fold!

The older you get, the more you are worried about nasolabial fold.

Even if you massage your face every day,

it doesn’t easily come off and becomes deeper day by day,

and that makes you hesitate to go out.

There is an easy way to make it disappear by makeup.

It is very useful because you can erase it instantly only for a time you are around people.

Learn correct ways of makeup and magically erase nasolabial fold.

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