Easy 6 step-makeup to hide nasolabial fold!

Easy 6 step-makeup to hide nasolabial fold!

The older you get, the more you are worried about nasolabial fold.

Even if you massage your face every day,

it doesn’t easily come off and becomes deeper day by day,

and that makes you hesitate to go out.

There is an easy way to make it disappear by makeup.

It is very useful because you can erase it instantly only for a time you are around people.

Learn correct ways of makeup and magically erase nasolabial fold.

Easy 6 step-makeup
to hide nasolabial fold!


1 How to choose a foundation


There are many kinds and types of foundation.

It depends on people, but a feeling or effectiveness can be vary.

When you put a strong covering foundation,

it hides nasolabial fold well,

but your makeup comes off easily after a while.

The best makeup base to make nasolabial fold inconspicuous is to use powder after using liquid.


2 Practical use of powder foundation


There is a powdery formed foundation called powder foundation.

If you use it practically, nasolabial fold will brilliantly disappear.

When you use a powder foundation,

use a little hard brush for face.

If it is too hard, however, it will damage your skin.

Choose something gentle for your skin with softness.

Put powder foundation on your skin,

put a brush on nasolabial fold and circle the brush.

Nasolabial fold gradually disappear.

This also hides pores, so nasolabial fold won’t be so obvious.


3 Cover with concealer


It covers everything. It is the best thing.

There are some kinds among concealer,

which are sticks type, soft calligraphy pen types, liquid types and so on.

You put concealer on a several spots of nasolabial fold,

so it would be better to use something soft.

The way to use concealer is that put concealer casually like to cover nasolabial fold,

then spread it along nasolabial fold with your finger or a puff.

That makes nasolabial fold less obvious.


4 Design tape


A lot of actresses, actors and TV stars use this design tape.

You put it on your skin, and it pulls your skin up

and would work to tighten your skin or thin wrinkles.

If you take off the tape, of course, it will stop working,

it is useful to make nasolabial fold disappear temporally.

It is the new way of makeup to hide nasolabial fold.

If you do not like to use foundation, it is recommended to try to use a design tape.


5 sight magic by makeup


If you try to put more effort on your makeup on other facial parts,

not to try so hard to hide nasolabial fold,

there will be a way to make nasolabial fold obvious.

Nasolabial fold is around your mouth, so put a little bit of makeup around there.

Put more makeup above it.

For example,

put an thicker eye line , put some cheek to keep the balance,

or use lighter foundation to make forehead or nose a bit more obvious.

To take an eye off from around your mouth, people won’t notice nasolabial fold.


6 Avoid thick coating


To erase nasolabial fold, some tend to put makeup over and over,

but that makes nasolabial fold more obvious.

If foundation and concealer are collected on nasolabial fold,

it makes the part more obvious.

When you smile or laugh, nasolabial fold gets more wrinkled,

and makeup deterioration happens a lot there,

so it is better not to put thick makeup.

Instead of putting less makeup on nasolabial fold, put more on other parts.

You can vary the color on your face to take an eye off from nasolabial fold,

and it won’t be obvious.


In conclusion


Nasolabial fold can be disappeared by makeup.

Don’t give up because of your age.

Erase nasolabial fold by makeup and feel free to go out.

You can sure feel more cheerful and spend enjoyable time.


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