The 7 causes of wrinkles on forehead

 The 7 causes of wrinkles on forehead

Have you ever worried what if you would find wrinkles on forehead soon when you find someone have?

Since it makes you look older, so we hope those wrinkles won’t appeared.

When you laugh or opening eyes wider, wrinkles can be appeared
but if you leave them without proper care,
then those wrinkles will be permanent ones.

This wrinkles can be caused not for elder people but young people too
because the reason of this wrinkle cause is not only aging.

Let’s see how to cause and how to retard it cause.


The 7 causes of wrinkles on forehead


1. UV


One of the reason wrinkle cause is damage to skin, such as UV.

Especially forehead is the place to get sun easily and aired out.

That’s why forehead is the place to get wrinkles easily.

Getting damaged every day accelerates aging, therefore daily UV care is the key since you are young.

2. Drying


As you know, dry can be big damage on your skin.

Since you have oily skin, you may think it’s not your matter.

However if you wash your oily face too much just to remove oil,

but it can be caused to remove necessary oil on face and the reason to caused dry on your face skin.

Be careful not to wash too much and remove necessary oil, too.

3. Expression


Expression habit can be another cause of wrinkle on forehead.

If you keep stretching your forehead, it makes forms of wrinkles.

We get less elastic on foreheads by aging, it means it makes easier to get wrinkles.

The importance is moistening well and stretch your face to train face muscles.

4. Daily habit


It’s not only wrinkles matter, but we have stress and tiredness unknowingly in daily life.

In result of it, you might have tighten faces and that cause wrinkles on faces.

It happens without intent, so try to be smiling and keep supple face muscles always.

5. Too much skincare


It might be shocking to hear that skincare which supposed to create beautiful skin can be cause of wrinkles.

However during your daily skin care, too much pressure for face lifting,

pressure to pat to impregnate skin lotion in the skin,

scuffing face with towel or using cold hand,

all these actions can be cause to give damages on skin surface and make wrinkles.

Remember skin care for beautiful skin needs moderate pressure otherwise it causes wrinkles after all.

6. Short of water


As I have mentioned earlier, moisturizing is important for beautiful skin, from inside and outside.

Try to take 2 litter of water for a day,

not at one time but little amount of water frequently works for preventing short of body water.

7. Stiff shoulder


Stiff shoulder means bad blood circulation.

When this happens, muscles behind of head become harder and makes top membranae of head knot.

From head to neck, it is well related to each others and it can be cause of face wrinkles.

Also, it cause bad face blood circulation

if you wrinkle up between eye brows when stiff shoulders make people irritated or so.

In the result of it, it causes face wrinkles after all.

Try to take massages or something you can relaxed actively.

As you see above, now you know wrinkles can be caused by many reasons beside of aging.

Let’s prevent wrinkles with ways you can find suitable for you.




It can be changed your future to be looked younger than your actual ages with little effort and conscious right now.

Imagined how you would be looked like in future and find the suitable way for you to prevent unneeded wrinkles.

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