The 4 ways for getting an ideal forehead.

The 4 ways for getting an ideal forehead.

There is no end to this “wrinkles”, Tails of eyes, Nasolabial fold, between the eyebrows, and so on, if we start to got worried.

Striking wrinkles is “Wrinkles on forehead” of them all.

Forehead is large, so the wrinkles get lines sideways & lengthways.
There is some variety of them.

To hide wrinkles on forehead, have you got banged?

The hair style with no hair on forehead makes your face bright, and then you looks sunny.

So this is the essential point for enhancing girl`s power.

I teach the 4 ways for getting an ideal taut forehead with no wrinkles!

The 4 ways
for getting an ideal taut forehead
with no wrinkles


1: To moisten skin by moisturizing


Drying cause wrinkles not only on forehead.

Especially forehead is large, and the bones is arched, so forehead is apt to be dryed even with the use of lotion.

So in first, it is important to moisturize the skin on forehead.

In the daily skin care, have you moisturized the skins on forehead?

Even if you care the mouth, cheek, and tails of eyes, you tend to miss the forehead unexpectedly.

Because forehead is tend to be neglected, just moisturizing promise a certain level of effect.

And, I recommend the mask sheet for the part like forehead.

This type is more compact and simple than the fulface sheet, so you can eat, brush your teeth, and relax in the bath while you moisturize.

2:The cause of the wrinkles on forehead
is the skin of head!
Massaging the skin of head is reducing wrinkles!


We think in order to reducing the wrinkles on forehead,we manage to check the skins on forehead.

But do you know there is a deep relationship between the forehead and the skin of head?

As face and head is connecting by 1 skin, we need to care the skins of head and forehead together.

Especially, if the skins of head is getting hard, forehead has a heavy load for supporting the heavy skins of head.

And that cause the wrinkles.

Then, in order to be lightened the skins of head, massaging head is effective!

Lately in the salon,we can treat head spa airly.

If when going to the salon for cutting the hair, we ask head spa, that makes hair shiny & reducing the wrinkles on forehead.

This is twofer.

This appears in many forms, but especially I recommend the “cream bath”, which unharden the skins of head carefully.

3:Daily shampoo can reduce the wrinkles on forehead!
How to wash?


Without going to the hair salon, we can do massage for the skin of head in our house.

Lately we can find the cream for head massage, but without this, simple device makes your wrinkles reduce easily.

In first, you make lather with shampoo, and apply this to the 5 parts, top, both side, back of the head, and nape of the neck.

And then, the important part begin here.

Open the flat of hands,massage from bottom up by the ball of a hand in a zig-zag manner.

Please imagine not washing hair, unharden the skin.

To the point of moving the skin, massage vigorously.

And for overdog girls, which has hard head and eye strain,I recommend the way of shampoo with one drop of rosemary essential oil.

Because this aroma makes the skin of head soft &healty, the wrinkles on forehead will improve.

4:”Funny Face” trainining build facial muscles,
and roll back the wrinkles!


In the face, there is ten or more muscles called facial muscles, which makes some expression.

Like muscles in the arms & the legs, if the muscles fall off, it makes slack.

Falling off the facial muscles, it shows up as wrinkles.

If you leave the wrinkles on forehead, the wrinkles may increase.

Facial muscles is growing old with age, but we can prevent growing old by training.

The way is very easy.

The way is only doing “Funny Face“, poping your eyes,pouting your mouth.

Please do some “Funny Face”.

When doning, you need to use many muscles, so some parts not usually using will warm up.

But, if you doing excessively, it makes more wrinkles. so just after you feel warm, stop training.



In order to reduce the wrinkles on forehead, it is important to moisturize the skins, and care the skins of head with forehead.

We can care the solid skins of head by head spa in the hair salon, and usual shampoo in your home.

And, on the training of facial muscles, we can prevent making wrinkles by training the muscles, which support the skins.

If we recall, we can do any ways without many times and money.

It looks younger without no forehead with no wrinkle.
Enjoy hair style with no hair on forehead!

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