7 points reconsider food habit to avoid lower body fat

7 points reconsider food habit to avoid lower body fat

You gave up lower body fat?

Actually, lower body fat is improve that just you reconsider food habits.

Reconsider your food habits in a daily life to get skinny lower body.

At first, try it so that you can realize that.

To keep reconsider your food habit and get your beautiful lower body!

7 points reconsider food habit
to avoid lower body fat


1:care about amount of salt


One of the couse to get lower body fat is taking salt too much.

If you take salt too much, legs swollen to keep water inside of your body

and then you will lower body fat by swollen, it is vicious circle.

Salt is used by many kinds of meal and ready-meal,

you might take it before you realize.

It is important to care the quantity of salt do we use in meal and the products in your daily life.


2:have seaweeds and fruits


Seaweeds and fruits containts a lot of potassium.

Potassium works for remove wastes and toxitcant from your body,

and also avoid to get lower body fat.

Potassium and chloride, these balance are improtant,

if you take these two with well balanced is tha way to solve lower body fat.

Take seaweeds and fruits in 3 meals in a day

and remove wastes and toxicant from your body.

So that you can have beautiful lower body!


3: eat pulse countermeasure cellulite


If there is waste remains in your body,

when it’s gather it will become cellulite which you can’t remove easily.

To avoid having that cellulite, it is important to have well circulation of the blood.

The food, to get well circulation of the blood is pulse.

I can say it is effective especially red beans and soybeans

which is well known as health foods.

Pulse has diuretic effect, so eat pulse as you can and remove swollen and get skinny legs.


4: avoid to have food additive


There are many products that food additive inside

which you can find in convenience store or super market.

Especially that is in sweets and ready side dish.

And also, most restaurants are using food additive.

If you keep taking that you will get lower body fat.

It is difficutl to avioid additive because it is everywhere in the food.

But it will different if you choose less food additive.

Then, it is better to have snackand sweets that there is less food additive inside.


5:reconsider amount of you eat


The food that you had is not change to energy soon but few hours later.

so it is important the time to eat and the amount.

We often heard that is better to breakfast a lot and eat less at the dinner is healthy,

but it is hard to do it.

Light breakfast for no enough time to eat in the morning

and eat a lot in the dinner when you come back to home with tiredness.

But is you eat a lot in the dinner that you keep a lot of energy than you need to sleep,

so you can’t sleep well.

It is important to have right amount of meals at the dinner.


6: reduce to eat out


Many people goes to restaurant and fast food store recently.

Sometimes is ok but if you go there everyday, you need to think about this.

The food that you have in the restaurant,

we can’t know where are these coming from or any food additive inside.

We also don’t know if it’s safe or not and couse of to get lower body fat.

So I recommend you to have eat out ince a week.


7:cut down on between meal snacks


This is not cause only for lower body fat but also pycnic type,

this is a point that you decide what you eat and how many amount you have.

I don’t recommend you to have snacks during watching TV or reading magazine

because you might eat a lot.

It is better to not to have snacks between meal

but it is good to have it when you are tired or as hydration.

And then, to avoid not to have on between meal snack

or have it soon after you eat meal or in the morning to make your body thinness.




How is it?

Lower body fat is not decided by constitution,

you can avoid lower fat body if you reconsider foof habits in your daily life.

And it’s not difficult, you can try it with little consciousness.

You don’t need to try everything,

you just do it if you can and avoid to have lower fat body!

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