5 ways of making curves and how to lose weight easily

5 ways of making curves and how to lose weight easily

Belly is the difficult parts that gets visceral fat easily.

But we long for thin waist because it looks nice body if you have it.

You need to define the point to get thin waist easily.

I introduce you how to get thin waist in a month.

5 ways of making curves and
how to lose weight easily




Reconsider if your food habits because you set up in a month!

It is said that 1700-2400 calories for an adult.

To do effective diet,

it’s better to arrange to have good food and good way to eat,

not to restrict calories too much.

Some people go on a diet low in carbohydrate,

but carbohydrate is energy to burn a fat and also it is important to play a part.

It is more effective to try to have it early time as a breakfast or lunch.

And also, to take 3 meals in a day,

you don’t feel hungry even if you don’t have snack between meals.




People who is bad posture and stoop,

it is easy to get fat especially on the belly because the body is sagging.

Sit on a chair with straight up of your back, like pull your back from above.

You can feel like doing exercise or stretch after few minutes.

Moreover, put towel or small ball between your knees,

to your knees close together.

Aren’t you feel your belly become hollow?

If you keep this posture, flesh out will change in your belly and also it is light exercise.

It is better to make a habit not only desk work but also stand up work.


3:measure your body and check with the mirror everyday


We can keep on a diet if we have a visible effect.

Measure your curves everyday from 1st day of a diet so that you can know the changes.

By the way, it is said that ideal golden ratio of curves is waist : bottom = 7 : 10.

Aim this number and try to get close with it.

And then, check your body carefully with the mirror.

This is the way to keep the style and models are doing same things.

It is the way to success of your diet and motivation up

to know characteristic and changes of your body.


4:make habit of doing stretch and massage


Make habit of doing massage during taking bath and after take bath.

One of the easy stretch that you can do on your bed is lie on the bed

with bend your knees and close your knees together.

Hold your head with your hands put on your back of your head

and keep that position where you see belly bottom.

In this time, tighten inside of thigh muscles to not open your knees.

And then, move your lymph by your hand from rib to the groin.

When you having a bath, it is effective just to hold and detach of fat in your belly.

And, twist your waist during work or free time to relieve constipation and stimulus intestine,

and it is easy to burning fat to well circulation of the blood around belly.


5:do exercise


To train muscle around your belly is abdominal muscle training.

I introduce you draw in diet to train oblique abdominal muscles.

The basis of draw in, breath out with your hands on the waist.

In this time, straight up and look at the front, not looking down.

The point is to make our belly hollow.

Do this with careful above on your belly bottom.

Next, straight up to the wall, make draw in position with your hands on the head.

Move your body push down with breath out and bring back with breath in to left and right.

Besides, do aerobic exercise walking to fat burning.

It is ideal that to do this at least 30 minutes in the morning and evening,

get the chance to walk during shopping or commute if it’s difficult to do this.




If you get these in your life, you can make a curves in a month if you are be aware of your waist.

It is not so easy, the point is just you need to continue.

You can refresh if you burn aroma oil and changing cream or oil

when you do stretch and massage.

Let’s try from today!

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