You have been trying not to allow any dark spots on your skin as protecting yourself
with a parasol,goods to protect your skin from ultraviolet or sun damage,
but what if you find ones suddenly?
A lot of women still think it is too expensive
even though they come to the idea to remove them such as by laser treatment,
and finally give up.
Here are ways how to remove dark spots with taking some nutritions,
or taking some convenient items.
The 7 convenient ways
how to remove dark spots
1. Vitamin C
Vitamin C restrains deposition of melanin pigment,
and it dilutes existing dark spots as reducing melanin pigment remained.
There are a lot of foods that contain vitamin C,
but kiwi is a representative.
If you take the fruit as juice, you can take more in the amount.
2. Vitamin A
Vitamin A accelerates metabolism and removes dark spots as regarding them as wastes.
If your metabolism is activated,
cells with dark spots can be regenerated into new ones without any dark spots.
Eels, mulukhiya, carrots, chicken liver, pumpkins, spinach,
allium porrum are the representatives that contain this vitamin a lot.
Beta-carotene contained in green and yellow vegetables is absorbed well
when you take it with oils,
so to take it by fried vegetables or as salad with dressing or mayonnaise on,
is a recommended ways to have the vegetables.
3. How to wash your face
There is a point when you wash your face as skin care.
The most important thing is,
to wash your face with bubbles of soap such as whipped cream.
If you rub your face too strongly with a feeling that you would like to remove dirtiness or dark spots,
friction can be a cause of making the dark spots even more serious.
Bubbles you might want to wash your face should be firm enough,
at the level that the bubbles are not dropped even though you turn your hands upside down.
Whipping the soap like cream on a cake is important.
The bubbles can be a cushion and reduce frictions.
4. Washing your face with honey
This is a way that you put some honey which was home-grown into the washing soap.
Honey has effect to prevent your skin from being dry or rough,
and it contains a lot of nutrition which are necessary for your skin.
It also has effect in peeling of your skin gently.
Besides washing your face with honey,
there is a way to make facial mask by honey.
This is a way that you put some honey on your face and wash it off,
and it is effective to remove dark spots and recovery from rough skin.
Sweet and tasty honey. Put it on your face and wash it away?
You might feel it is a shame, but this is all for the beauty skin without dark spots.
5. Facial mask by green tea
To take care of your skin with facial mask made by green tea is also recommendable.
Green tea contains chlloriphyl, tannin, and vitamin C,
and it accelerates regeneration of cells on your skin.
How to make the facial mask is,
put flour in the same amount as tea into tea
which was broken down,
or even tea dust you can use, and mix it with water.
After it is completed, you put the mask on your face.
If you are allergic to flour,
you can test with your skin on the part you can hide
even though you find some trouble on it.
Besides the facial mask with flour,
to make facial mask by soaking strong green tea in a sheet pack,
to mix green tea with yoghurt, these can be used.
6. Brown sugar
It is not so commonly known, but brown sugar contains raffinose.
This element prevents your skin from dark spots,
freckles, pigment deposition and is good for whitening of your skin
as it breaks tyrosinase which promotes melanin,
the cause of dark spots.
You can break down brown sugar to small pieces,
you can make facial mask with mixing it with flour or honey,
or you can even eat it as snacks when you feel a little hungry as fried dough cookies.
7. Rosehip
Rosehip contains a lot of elements which have essential fatty acid and antioxidant effect.
Retinoic acid, linoleic acid, lycopene, and oleic acid are the examples.
You might want to take a look at the effects of retinoic acid and lycopene especially.
Retinoic acid is an element you will be prescribed when treatment for dark spots,
and it is also common as element for whitening.
Lycopene is, as you might know, what tomatoes contain,
and it restrains production of melanin.
You will see rosehip in teabags, so you can take it in your daily life.
If you are interested in aroma therapy, you can try aroma oil of rosehip.
You might have been surprised
there are a lot of ways you can try in a daily life to remove dark spots
before considering laser treatment.
It might take a little time to remove dark spots,
but you can just take care of your skin when you like,
or eat good foods for your skin,
a small effort will save you from the dark spots in a long span.
Only one or two, or some of them, you might want to make them your habit!
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