Carbonated water as the best face wash for acne

Carbonated water as the best face wash for acne

In recent years it’s becoming popular

to drink sugar-free carbonated water and wash the face with it.

Now there is even an appliance to make carbonated water at home.

Why is it so good for the skin?

Because carbon dioxide in carbonated water improves metabolism,

widen blood vessels and facilitates the blood flow.

Besides, it’s mildly acidic so gentle to the skin,

and it doesn’t eliminate oil too much.

Now let’s see the reason why carbonated water is the best face wash for acne.

Carbonated water
as the best face wash for acne


1. Remove the dirt in pores


Face washing with carbonated water removes dirt and extra sebum from the pores and keeps them clean.

This can prevent pimples.

It can be smarting sometimes, so check your skin carefully.

You don’t need to use carbonated water every day.


2. Improve metabolism


Carbonated water improves metabolism and facilitate blood flow.

Skin with dirt and too much oil can easily get pimples,

but using carbonated water,

those dirt and oil are eliminated and your skin becomes clean for lotion or cream.

Carbonated water is good for dryness and beautiful skin.


3. Antibacterial effect


You don’t want more bacteria to the pimpled face.

If this happens, pimples get worse and the darkening may stay on your skin.

Carbonated water is mildly acidic, which is the same as human skin,

so it’s gentle to the skin and also antibacterial. Therefore it’s good for pimpled face.


4. Work for cuticle!


Sodium carbonate in carbonated water softens protein.

Face washing with carbonated water makes cuticle soft,

and that’s why you can wash off the dirt in pores.

Cuticle is actually protein!

If you have clean pores, you can solve not only pimples

but also open pores on your nostril and cheek.

All you have to do is to put your face in carbonated water.

How easy!


5. Work for droopy pores


Droopy open pores can easily get dirt and sebum,

which is very bad for pimpled face.

But if you wash your face with carbonated water,

you can wash off those sebum and old cuticle, and the pores are closed.

This is possible just by face washing!


6. Facilitate blood flow


Carbonated water makes your skin lack of oxygen,

and therefore blood vessels become wider and blood circulation becomes better.

This gives fresh oxygen and nutrition to your skin and the turnover of your skin gets active.

Active turnover can cure pimples with natural healing ability.

The skin color becomes brighter as well,

so your makeup will become more effective on your beautiful skin.

Good blood flow solves almost all the bad conditions on your skin.

Besides, you can expect massage effect when washing your face,

which makes blood flow even better.


7. Prevent dryness


Dryness means not enough water in your skin.

But pimpled face is more complicated.

You have extra sebum on the skin surface while there is not enough water inside.

This is the common condition of dried skin.

One reason of this dryness is that the lotion or cream don’t penetrate in your skin at all.

Carbonated water washes off the sebum without hurting your skin,

so you can solve this unstable skin condition. Moreover, some people get very moist skin.




Carbonated water contains water and carbon dioxide.

You can make it at home easily with no tool.

1 tea spoon of baking soda and 1 tea spoon of citric acid into 500cc water.

Carbonated water works for pimpled face,

and seems like you can also get healthy and beautiful skin.

You can also use it when you form cleanser, which makes smooth form and gives you the same effect.

Just 1 small pimple can annoy you enough.

Face washing with carbonated water works for pimpled skin,

and also for prevention of pimple.

The best face wash for acne!

However, this can give you smarting pain, so 2 or 3 times a week would be ideal.



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