There is no troublesome task! 7 methods for easy diet.

There is no troublesome task! 7 methods for easy diet.

Women care about their diet.

Even though they try various types of diet,

they can stick to nothing if it is difficult.

However, if it is easy, do you think you can continue for a long time and have a slim body?

This time, I would like to tell you about some easy diet methods.

Let’s have slim bodies using these methods.

There is no troublesome task!
7 methods for easy diet.


1. Long breath diet


It is one of the famous diets introduced by Japanese actor.

It does not cost you and you can do it anywhere you want so this is for people

who do not have time to spend on their diet.

Firstly, cross your legs and stand up,

placing 90% of your weight on your back foot.

Then breathe in for 3 seconds,

and breathe out for 7 seconds (total 10 seconds).

You need to follow this step 6 times as 1 set both in the morning and in the evening twice a day.

Note that you need to breathe out strongly and slowly,

and you need to use all of your muscles when you breathe out.

So your inner muscle will be developed and your basal metabolism will be increased,

and then you will lose weight in theory.


2. Chew well when eating


It is often said that corpulent people eat fast.

It is true that fast eaters do not chew well when they eat food.

It is not only to make food into bits,

but also to absorb food easily because of amylase,

which is digestive enzyme in saliva.

If you don’t chew well,

the food will not convert to your energy and

it will be accumulated in your body since it is hard to absorb.

Also, the satiety center is stimulated then you will be full with small amount of food by chewing well.

So you do not need to eat a lot.


3. Eating order diet


This is also a well-known diet introduced by the media. The content is as follows.

First of all, you need to eat vegetables (dietary fiber).

At first, eat rich dietary fiber food, such as vegetables, mushrooms, and seaweeds.

Ingesting dietary fiber in the beginning,

it makes Sugar including carbohydrate to be calmly absorbed.

A first priority is fresh vegetables when you eat.

The next priority is soy food, eggs, meats, or fish, which are protein.

You need to eat soy food such as tofu and natto, eggs, meats, and fish, which are rich in protein.

Firstly, you should ingest soy food,

which is a vegetable protein then ingest eggs, meats, or fish,

which are animal protein.

You should finish with carbohydrates such as tubers and roots or sweet corns,

bread, rice, or noodles.

The point is to ingest only carbohydrate.

If you ingest it with other food, you will take in lipid as well.

People say that if it is a dinner you do not have to ingest carbohydrate.

If you take a common breakfast as an example,

the order will be vegetables, pickles, miso soup, roast fish,

and then rice, or salad, soup, fried eggs, and then bread.

The point of eating order diet is to avoid triangular eating.

You were told to do triangular eating when you were a child.

However, the rule of this diet is to finish one dish before moving to the next dish.

By doing this, blood sugar level will be suppressed rapidly

and then you will be able to stop eating a lot.

Also, to eat meats and rice by itself prevents lipid from accumulating in your body.

It is not good to have combined food such as curry and rice or fried rice.

Even if you eat curry roux and rice separately,

they will be together in the stomach immediately.

Therefore, the effect will not be up to your expectation.

Also, fried rice, which is cooked with oil, pizzas, and cakes are not recommended.

If you do not have any vegetables to eat, it is okay to drink vegetable juice.

However, if it contains sugar, a blood sugar level will rise,

so you should choose the one of 100% vegetable juice.


4. Taking enzymes actively


There are digestive enzymes and metabolism enzymes.

Digestive enzymes help to digest and eject unnecessary stuff from a body.

Also, the functions of metabolism enzymes are to enhance metabolism,

to promote regeneration of cells, and to improve your immune system.

Enzymes play important roles in your body but number of digestive enzymes will decrease,

as you get older.

Therefore you need to ingest them actively.

There are some supplements but today,

I would like to introduce you the methods to take in enzymes easily.


The first method is the eating of raw flesh (under 48℃).

The basis is to eat raw since enzymes are contained in raw food such as vegetables,

fruits, meats, and fish but they are weak to heat and most of enzymes will disappear

if they will be heated to 48℃ or more.

It is more effective to grate.


I strongly recommend making smoothie using a blender

since cell membranes will be broken and enzymes in the cell will work actively,

and then the amount of enzymes will be doubled when enzymes are grated.


It is important to eat immediately after cooking.

The oxidation starts from the ingredient at the time that is cut or grated.

Please eat as soon as possible after cooking.

You should consciously eat food while it is being fresh and do not have leftover food.


Eating raw food at first.

Raw food, which is enzymes, put into the stomach at first, enzymes will sufficiently exhibit.

If you eat food, which is already cooked,

at first, digestive enzymes will be out of the body to ingest the food, and raw enzymes,

which put into the stomach after the food, will not sufficiently exhibit.

So you need to be careful.




There are some simple diets, which only eat one particular food,

but I do not introduce these diets here.

It seems to be easy but it isn’t well balanced diet

and you might get tired so I think it does not last long.

The diet is apt to fall into a trap of a rebound when you overdo it.

You want to aim at the perfect body by dieting that can be easily done by your pace, don’t you?

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