Beauty of heels! The 7 ways for silky smooth heels

Beauty of heels! The 7 ways for silky smooth heels

“Cracked heels”…can happen easily but we do not show them. Silky smooth heels are still what we long for as women. Here are 7 ways to make the dream come true.

Beauty of heels!
The 7 ways for silky smooth heels

1:  Why cracked heels can happen?


First, we would like to make it clear why this happens.

If the cracked heels were brought by being dry, you would be able to let them into the smooth ones with caring them by yourself.

The cracked heels, however, were athlete’s foot actually, it would be difficult for you to care by yourself even with over-the-counter medicine. You might want to see a dermatologist as soon as possible in this case.

The difference between dry cracked heels and athlete’s foot is, you will see the skin of the feet bottom gets thick and peeled. You might think that we would feel itchy if you have athlete’s foot, but it is said this is not always the case.

One more thing about athlete’s foot is, it is infective.There are cases that they were actually athlete’s foot even they had thought they were just dry skin, we have to be cautious.

2: Keep the moisture


The cracked heels brought by being dry, to keep them moisture is the most important.
Skin will be dry especially after you take a bath, caring of your skin after taking a bath is very important.

You might want to use over-the-counter medicine, and you can even use hand cream as the substitute.

You will feel more effective if you wrap your heels with plastic wraps after caring with cream. Heels can be dry very easily actually, it would be important to care often and continually, in order to avoid you will feel dry again after neglecting for a while once you feel your skin gets better.

3: Do not walk in bare feet


Walking in bare feet on wood floors would be one of the reasons that causes cracked heels.

Bare feet themselves would be the cause of being dry, and moreover this innervates heels directly which let cuticle of heels solid. Carrying yourself, friction with the floor, these things will bring cornification.

Decreasing stress on your heels will be one of the ways to avoid cracked heels.

You might want to wear socks even when it is hot since your skin would be dry in rooms being cooled by air conditioners.

4: Exfoliate the dead skin


When you cannot see better change in your cracked heels, you might want to exfoliate the dead skin.

With exfoliating the dead skin, moisturizer can work better. You can use pumice stone or cream with scrub that you can purchase at flat pricing stores, but too much stress would hurt your skin. You might want to care your skin softly in anyway you choose.

First, soften your skin by taking a bath for a while, then scrub your heels as you circle them around.

After you work on this, your skin has new born cells after exfoliating the dead ones, and therefore, it is important for you to care your skin with moisturizer.

5: Have good blood circulation


A lot of women have a cold constitution, we might say, this cold constitution has often a relation with cracked heels. Skin would be dry, and this cold constitution will bring buildup of waste.

If you have this constitution in your feet only, cracked heels can be recovered in a while, but in case you have this in your bony pelvis, it would be more serious.

Twisting your ankles when you can or massaging yourself when you have bad blood circulation, this blood circulation would be improved, then, you will see the recovery in your cracked heels at the same time.

Moreover, it is not only the matter of bad blood circulation in your feet, you might want to keep your whole body in good blood circulation.

6: Self-care of the dead skin


Have you ever heard of a commercial product “Babyfoot”?

This product has its characteristics in this word “self-care of dead skin without scrubbing the skin”, and if you are seriously in trouble in cracked heels or dry skin, this product we may recommend for your self-care.

You can just put your feet in a bag inside the package of this product with the medicinal solution, and wash them away after a while.

You will see its effectivity after a couple of days, though you might not see any improvement right after you use this medicinal solution.

Once you see the peeling of the dead skin, all of the dead cells of your bottom feet will be peeled like ecdysis.

You might be surprized in its softness of your new skin.

You might feel addicted to this “ecdysis” since it is very comfortable and that might be the reason of our recommendation this time.

As one point we may tell you, the process of peeling itself is not very good to be seen, you might want to use the medicinal solution when you do not have any occasion where you have to show your bare feet.

7: Footcare cream & socks


When using night care goods such as socks and cream which you can purchase at drugstores, you will put them on your cracked heels, then you put the socks on after before you sleep.

The cream works during you sleep, you can feel that your heels are with moisture after you put the socks off in the next morning.

Some socks can work effectively for your skin being with moisture themselves, you might want to choose those socks to feel more recovered.

We might say that this way we introduced is very easy since your cracked heels will be gone during your sleep.

We have introduced 7 ways as solutions of cracked heels, and we have seen the cracked heels could be solved with a little effort in your daily life.

Dry cracked heels in a glance would decrease your feminine appearance, you might want to keep your silky smooth heels with the self-care, and never see your heels as cracked ones.

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